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Quick Assignment Index
The following information provides explanation and expectations for the course’s major assignments. Readings and tools to assist in completing assignments are also available on Canvas. The Experiential Checklists and evaluation forms can be found in the Appendices.
Student Performance Evaluation by Clinical Instructor (60%)
Explanation: Although frequent feedback will be provided to students by clinical instructors, student performance in this course will be formally evaluated at the midpoint and at the end of the rotation.
Expectations: The clinical instructor with use the Midpoint evaluation to provide formative feedback on student performance at the 3-week point in the course. Only the final evaluation will factor into the student’s course grade at the end of the rotation.
Evaluation: The clinical instructor will use the online Student Performance Evaluation form to evaluate the student, score will be entered in the Grading Record. Grades will not be submitted until all requirements are complete. See the Student Performance Evaluation in the General Manual for more information.
Project (10%)
Explanation: The objectives of this assignment are to (1) refine project development and time management skills, and (2) promote pharmacy services at rotation sites and support the Wisconsin Idea.
- One project will be completed for each 760 rotation. Additional projects may be assigned by the site clinical instructor, but only one project is to be identified as “the” project related to course requirements.
- Project assignments will be made by the site clinical instructor.
- Topics should be determined during week 1 or week 2 of the clerkship rotation.
- Topic should be different from the clinical inquiry topic. For example, a separate search should be conducted for the clinical inquiry assignment as compared to the presentation evidence-based background.
- For ideas on determining a manageable scope for a 6-week project, consider dividing a larger project across multiple students/blocks. See Reindeau AB, Heim ME. Precepting tips: precepting research projects for success. J Pharm Soc Wis. 2017;20(6):22-24.
- If 2 students are working on the same project during the same rotation, each student should identify a unique aspect of the work as “their” project responsibility.
- See the appendices for Project Topic Examples.
- The Clinical Instructor will evaluate the project online using the Project Evaluation by Clinical Instructor Form and will follow to the Project Evaluation Rubric.
Project Presentation (10%)
Explanation: The objective of the project presentation is to enhance public speaking skills and to provide a format for practicing professional presentations.
- During each 760 rotation, each student will give a formal presentation about their project. All students must present their projects at the end of each block & students may only give their project presentations at their scheduled sessions.
- Please remember that if the project is an inservice, presentation of the inservice IS PART OF the project itself; the project presentation as required for the course is a completely separate activity.
- See 760 Canvas course for “Content” information related to:
- Examples of well-done project presentation
- SMART objective guidance
- Project presentation schedule
- Upload presentation handout (due before end of block)
- Postings that include tips for giving presentations
- Students should review the evaluation form in order to prepare the presentation according to expectations.
- 15 minutes maximum in length (13 minutes for presentation + 2 minutes for Q & A)
- Audiovisual aids (slides in PowerPoint format) are required.
- A handout must be provided to the evaluator.
- Handout materials consist of:
- PowerPoint slide set
- Any supplemental materials such as something you have created or used as part of the project— survey/quiz, informational handout, blank example data collection form, slide deck if your project is an inservice, etc. You can either share the supplemental material within the PowerPoint presentation or as a separate document.
- Students in the presentation audience are REQUIRED to ask one (1) question to each presenter.
- The presentation handout MUST be uploaded to Canvas before the last day of the clerkship block. Failure to submit the handout will result in an “incomplete” for the block.
- Because of the limited evaluator availability, it is not possible to schedule make-up project presentation sessions if a student misses their assigned date/time. Students should put their scheduled project presentation dates in their calendar and double-check the schedule and calendar for accuracy.
- See the Project Presentation Details page for further details.
Clinical Inquiry (15%)
Explanation: The purposes of the assignment are:
- to foster critical thinking skills related to evidence-based decision-making
- to practice and refine written communication skills
Expectations: See the Clinical Inquiry Manual for assignment specifics, writing guidance, and evaluation rubric.
- One clinical inquiry is required.
- The site clinical instructor will determine the topic-please work with the clinical instructor to create the PICO construct and the final question.
- The clinical inquiry topic MUST be different than the project topic.
- Non-clinical questions are permitted as long as the question requires synthesis of primary and/or secondary literature to formulate an evidence based answer.
- The document must be submitted to the 760 Canvas PRIOR TO 11:59PM OF FRIDAY DURING WEEK 3 OF THE BLOCK.
ALL STUDENTS MUST UPLOAD BY THE DEADLINE TO RECEIVE CREDIT FOR THE ASSIGNMENT. - Students are STRONGLY ADVISED to immediately check the course website to self-verify that the clinical inquiry document was uploaded successfully, even if the “thank you” screen was displayed. (Students may wish to exit Canvas & then login again to check.) Inquiries not submitted by the designated deadline will result in a score of zero (0) points.
- If a student disagrees with the evaluation of a clinical inquiry, they may contact a course coordinator to request re-evaluation. The re-evaluated score, whether higher or lower, will be considered the final score for the assignment.
Journal Article Review (3%)
Explanation: The objective of journal article review is to evaluate a research study and to discuss implications of the study for practice.
- Read/evaluate the article “Finding truth from the Medical Literature: How to Critically Evaluate an Article” by William F. Miser, MD, MA, posted on Canvas.
- Students will select one research article (primary or secondary literature), and complete the journal article template to guide student preparation and discuss the article with their clinical instructor.
- Please see the journal club template posted on Canvas.
- An article used in the clinical inquiry or project is acceptable.
- Two of the following activities will be assigned and must be completed in Canvas by 11:59 PM on Friday of Week 2 of each 760 clerkship block.
- All students who complete the activity will earn full credit. Failure to complete these activities by the deadline will result in a score of zero (0) points.
- Each activity is worth 1% of the course grade.
- Following the activity deadline, an answer key will be posted in Canvas.
- PICO Practice
Part 1: Students will be given a well-constructed clinical question. The student action for the activity is to complete the PICO formula for the question.
Part 2: Students will be given a question that cannot be broken into a PICO format. The student action for the activity will be to explain why the question cannot be put into a PICO format. - Paraphrasing
Students will be provided a passage of original text and a sample paragraph, which was part of an assignment to incorporate the original text concepts into a section of a paper/assignment. Students will be required to identify if the sample paragraph is (1) word-for-word plagiarism, (2) a patchwork paraphrase (also considered plagiarism), or (3) a legitimate paraphrase. - Reference Formatting/Information Source
Part 1: Students will be provided a reference citation and must identify and state two errors in reference format.
Part 2: Identify the appropriate resource database to efficiently find appropriate resources. - When are these available and when is the key available?
Answer: These are ONLY available through a link in Canvas from THE BEGINNING of the block until 11:59 PM ON FRIDAY OF WEEK 2 of the block. The answer key is made available in Canvas following 30 minutes after the quiz deadline. - When do these activities have to be completed?
Answer: By the stated deadline with NO make-ups allowed. - A BASELINE self-evaluation is done ONCE prior to the start of the first APPE rotation of the year. The baseline self-evaluation must be reviewed with the site clinical instructor during the first week.
- Finalized SMART Goals must be entered by the end of week 2.
- A post-rotation self-evaluation must be completed at the end of each rotation. It must be reviewed by the student and site clinical instructor during the last week of each block.
- In subsequent blocks, the post-rotation self-evaluation from the previous block must be reviewed with the site clinical instructor during the first week.
- At the end of each 728-760 rotation, each student must upload a reflection document to the 760 Canvas course reflection assignment.
- The reflection document must respond to this:
Reflect upon and describe one experience during this rotation that made an impact on your learning experience, and explain why.
Evaluation: Using a journal club template available on Canvas, students will evaluate one article and complete the journal club template. The clinical instructor will discuss and evaluate the article review.
The clinical instructor will evaluate the student using the following scale:
0 (NO) Not done or Unacceptable |
1 (Inconsistent) Some deficiencies with information provided. |
2 (YES) Acceptable. Sufficient information provided |
The Clinical Instructor will enter the score on the grading record.
Professional Writing Skills (2%)
Explanation: The objective of this assignment is to refine literature searching and professional writing skills.
Activity Options:
Professional Writing Skills Frequently Asked Questions:
Student Rotation Self-Evaluation (Required)
Explanation: See the Student Rotation Self-Evaluation Process for details.
Expectations: The following is an overview of the process:
Reflection Document (required)
iTOFT (Optional)
Explanation: The iTOFT evaluation is optional for 760. See the APPE Evaluations in the General Manual for a full description of the tool.
Expectations: Instructors will verify when the iTOFT evaluation is completed. The iTOFT evaluation is accessible from the grading record.
Evaluation: When an instructor chooses to complete the iTOFT, the evaluation is not factored into the final course score/grade.