Course Discussions
This course will not utilize discussions.
Instructions for Completing Institutional and Elective IPPEs
Pharmacy Site Match Process: A match process has been designed to facilitate pharmacy site assignments for the institutional and elective settings housed in the P2 year. More information will be provided during a mandatory discussion. During the spring semester of the P1 year, students will complete the match process to choose their pharmacy sites for the P2 year. Students will complete 40 hours in an institutional pharmacy setting and 16 hours in an elective setting.
The Institutional and Elective IPPEs require students to be self-directed. Students should note the due dates for the site checklist and reflection completion as stated in the grading rubric and further detailed in the course Canvas site. Hours must be completed during the student’s assigned week. If they are not completed during that time, students will receive a reduction in their overall course grade. The completed checklist and reflection are submitted electronically and are due by 11:59pm on the due date specified to receive full credit (refer to due dates in the corresponding Canvas course). Credit deductions will be made for misspellings, and poor grammar.
This portion of the course is purposefully designed to complement material in Social and Administrative Sciences curriculum, namely 732-511 and 732-514. Students are encouraged to use their time efficiently and effectively in order to maximize their learning experience for both courses.
Prior to the Institutional and Elective IPPE, students are required to complete their student profile on the clerkship website. Students are responsible for updating this information as needed. Students must contact their preceptor at least 2 weeks prior to the start of their assigned block week.
After the Institutional and Elective IPPE hours have been completed at the respective site, the students’ supervising pharmacist will be completing an online evaluation form called the Student Performance Evaluation (included in the appendix). The experiential education office will ensure your supervising pharmacist has completed the required documentation.
Evaluations are required for the Institutional and Elective IPPE to ensure the quality of our preceptors and sites. Additionally, preceptors value constructive feedback given by students and use it to improve their teaching and sites for future students. For these reasons, students need to evaluate their pharmacist preceptor and pharmacy site after finishing their required hours for each rotation. Students who do not complete AND submit this required evaluation will have their final course grade decreased by one-half course grade per rotation missed (not to exceed one full-grade deduction).
Student Performance Evaluation (SPE) Reflection
The goal of this reflection is to allow students time to consider and reflect on feedback provided by preceptors on their IPPE (institutional and elective) rotation performance.
Students will access their P2 Institutional (535) and Elective (545) IPPE preceptor completed Student Performance Evaluations (SPEs) and answer reflection questions on their evaluated performance in order to consider aspects they did well and what can be improved upon for future rotations.
This reflection will be due for all student early in the fall semester once all students have completed their institutional and elective IPPEs rotations. The specific due date will be posted in the Canvas course and grading rubric.
Instructional Evaluations
Students will be provided with an opportunity to evaluate this course and your learning experience. Student participation is an integral component of this course, and your feedback is important to us. We strongly encourage you to participate in the course evaluation.
Digital Course Evaluation (AEFIS)
UW-Madison now uses an online course evaluation survey tool, AEFIS. In most instances, you will receive an official email two weeks prior to the end of the semester when your course evaluation is available. You will receive a link to log into the course evaluation with your NetID where you can complete the evaluation and submit it, anonymously. Your participation is an integral component of this course, and your feedback is important to me. I strongly encourage you to participate in the course evaluation.