Students will complete HIPAA training as provided by the School of Pharmacy prior to starting experiential education rotations. Students not completing HIPAA training will not be allowed to start experiential education rotations. Students may be required to do additional, HIPAA training at their rotation site. Failure to comply with HIPAA guidelines will immediately result in an incomplete course grade, or course failure, or other disciplinary action, if necessary as determined by the school.
HIPAA Requirements for De-identification:
- Names
- Geographic subdivisions smaller than state (county, street address, zip code)
- All elements of dates (except year) for dates directly related to individual (birth date, dates of service, all ages over 89)
- Phone numbers
- Fax numbers
- E-mail addresses
- Social Security Numbers
- Medical record numbers
- Health plan beneficiary numbers
- Account numbers
- Certificate/license numbers
- Vehicle identifiers and serial numbers
- Device identifiers and serial numbers
- URLs
- Internet protocol address numbers
- Biometric identifiers (fingerprints)
- Full face photographic and any comparable images
- Any other unique identifying number, characteristic, or code
Students are responsible for contacting each clinical instructor before arriving and should inquire about parking and transportation. Students are responsible for parking and transportation costs while on PPE.
Patient Confidentiality
The patient-pharmacist relationship is dependent on the patient’s assurance that the pharmacist or student-pharmacist will not divulge sensitive information to others. Thus, patient medical records and all conversations between student and patient are considered confidential and shall not be disclosed or made available to any person not directly involved in the patient’s care. Students will maintain patient confidentiality. Students will not discuss patients on elevators or in other public places where patients or visitors are present. Students will not leave patient records in public areas (cafeteria, library, etc.). Patient records must remain located at the clinical site. Any mechanical reproduction must comply with HIPAA Guidelines. Computerized medication profiles are considered patient records and should not be used for scrap work outside the site. Failure to comply with this policy will immediately result in an incomplete course grade, or course failure, and other disciplinary action, if necessary, as determined by the course coordinator.