Confidentiality, Honesty, and Integrity
- Obtaining unauthorized assistance from any source in course work submitted as one’s own individual effort, or cheating on assignments by copying answers of another student.
- Falsifying application materials used for admission by the UW-Madison School of Pharmacy.
- Having possession of unauthorized copies of patient records.
- Discussing or inappropriately addressing patients in public.
- Making an assertion that intentionally deceives or misleads. This deceitful assertion may be oral, written, or clearly communicated by a gesture.
- Failing to be truthful and forthright in all dealings with patients, the public, faculty, fellow students, staff, and others with whom the student interacts.
- Discussing adverse events that occurred at a site in public.
- Taking patient records home.
Professional Conduct
- Arriving late or leaving early while on experiential education rotation.
- Speaking disrespectfully to a patient or clinical instructor.
- Dating a patient.
- Dating a pharmacy staff member.
- Using a personal cell phone (including texting) during clinical rotation time.
Workplace Property
- Intentionally depriving the personal property of another individual without the owner’s expressed consent.
- Deliberately damaging or defacing University property or the property of others in the community.
- Stealing or damaging library materials.
- Having unauthorized possession of patient records or charts.
- Using a facilities’ internet access for personal use.
Rev 4/29/2020